Friday, May 23, 2008

palate cleanser

a palate cleanser is generally considered any food effective in its ability to minimize the carry-over taste from one food to the next. the following have been suggested:
-Plain crackers.
-Raw carrots.
-A glass of icy sparkling water may often be appropriate.
-A light citrus flavored aperitif can do the trick. Keep the drink minimally sweet.
-Lotus or other herb teas are sometimes served between courses to soothe the tongue and slow the pace of the meal.
-If sorbet is served, there are many remarkable delights available. Try sorbets like apple and wasabi, lime and basil, or grapefruit and mint. These are typically not sickeningly sweet or cloying.
-A plain salad made up of ingredients like celery, parsley, mint, with a mild vinaigrette will do the trick.
-Plain herbs like parsley, marjoram, mint, or watercress will perform admirably as flavor neutralizers.

writing this blog for school has been a thirteen week foodanddrink-fest without a single palate cleanser. its a wonder i have a taste bud left. i am offering all of you gluttons who feel their gustatory senses have been raped by my incessant food and drink a bit of a respite for your overwhelmed taste buds. i leave you with this summer theme song, and these words of advice..."JUST EAT IT!"

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