Saturday, May 3, 2008

feed the world

we use food to celebrate our successes, and to ameliorate our sorrows. in 1984, a year made infamous by George Orwell, Band Aid made a song written by Bob Geldof famous and raised a large amount of money to feed the starving. truly, some people may not know where their next meal may come from, or even if there will be a next meal. that we look to feed the hungry of the world shows our sense of global community. sharing food during times of hardship reflects our sense of fellowship, of our need to nurture. it is common practice during times of mourning for the passing of loved ones for friends and neighbors to offer food to the grieving. mostly because we know they will not be thinking of, or even caring about, how to feed themselves; but also because it allows us to sustain those we care about in a moment of crisis, when words may soothe but food and drink will fortify and somehow help to bear the painful and difficult. the act of cooking for someone, to nourish and nurture strikes at the core of our need to provide for those we love. during my grandmother's wake and funeral many friends provided such succor, and it supplied far more than just the act of filling our stomachs. it was the word unspoken, the metaphoric shoulder to lean on, the crutch. in a time of need it means so much. don't wait for that time, for the death, for when it might be too late to say what's in your heart. sustain your loved ones. provide for your family and friends. be the pillar, the stanchion, the strength and foundation of everything that they will be. feed the world, start at home.

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