Thursday, September 11, 2008

kats's delicatessen

every once in a while i like to do something typically "touristy" and take in a little more of this great city. on the anniversary of 9/11, something i can't even think about without getting emotional, it seems only fitting to mention an institution in eating. recently i found myself in the lower east side. one of my favourite, if not THE favourite, neighborhoods in NYC. i stopped in to the place where "harry met sally" (yes, that's the place), and had, what else, a pastrami on rye. not just any pastrami on rye; but the tenderest, most savory and perfectly spiced pastrami between two slices of a rye at once delicate and crunchy. katz's delicatessen, which claims to have been around for about 120 years, is the place for all eatables Yiddish and Geshmak (that's "tasty and delicious"). take in the tenement museum while you are in the neighborhood too. i like ethnic, and going to places like this gets me thinking about just how diverse NYC really is, and how incredible that all of us live here, side by side, and have contributed to the glory of this place which some of us are proud and happy to call home. i lost a piece of myself on 9/11. something that i will never get back. i've never been so close to that kind of destruction, and i grieve today for all that loss just as i have since that awful day. it's always pissed me off to hear people bad mouth the US or NYC. so i have only one thing to say..."GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!" you're on dangerous ground when you fuck with that!!! don't come shitting where i live 'cause i will fuck you up!!! so come visit the center of the universe, the big apple, and as they say at katz's "ess, bench, sei a mensch!" (eat, pray, don't act like a jerk!).



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