Saturday, April 12, 2008


i know, first you thought, "EWWW!"; but then you decided to read the post anyway right? its one of those "repulsively compelling" things that most of us just can't turn away from. like rubbernecking at a car accident on the road. (which is actually one of my pet peeves...what the hell are these people looking for? body parts?) anyway, the french culinary penchant for eating the flesh of humans (it isn't really french i just...well, you know.) on the menu today are movies with that as either a major theme or a subplot thet have made it to the top ten. shall i tell you my "specials":

SILENCE OF THE LAMBS-really the only one that includes a character who thinks about the pairing of wine with his obsession,

EATING RAOUL-opportunistic and entrepreneurial,

THE COOK, THE THIEF, HIS WIFE AND HER LOVER-cannibalism as revenge, my favorite,

ALIVE-as a last resort, everyone asked themselves "could i do it? to survive?" could you? and if so what part would you eat first?


SWEENEY TODD-another one as opportunistic and entrepreneurial,

NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD-gratuitous munching of humans by zombies.

except for the odd national geographic special of cannibals newly discovered and living a solitary existence in the remote jungles of some country, the theme of cannibalism is usually meant to disgust us. and yet we display it with, shall i say it?, gusto! perverted culinary thrill-seekers aren't we? whatever your preference, just remember that there are others out there eating god-only-knows what, and washing it down with a nice chianti.

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