Thursday, March 13, 2008

thank you for seeing you

no, that's not a mistake. it's something Odalys says. she said it once at a Halloween party we all went to when she saw this guy there dressed like Elvis, and it's the sort of stupid thing that just never goes away. now we always say it when we are saying good-bye to each other. we visited "the girls" this past weekend up in Bethel, NY and had a great time. as i mentioned we hadn't seen them since last august so there was alot to catch up on, and we had alot of down time by the fireplace (we made alot of trips out to the cord). they've done a little more work in the cabin. the bathroom looks great with a new floor, sink(with cabinet), toilet, mirror and lights; some painting in the master bedroom, and new arrangement of furniture in the guest bedroom and living room. it was hugely cold up there but it didn't keep us from firing up the bbq for our surf and turf dinner. the girls like to cook too and there's always food and drink when we get together. they made some caprese salad and mini pizzas with arugula, prosciutto and fresh parmigiano for appetizers. and we did filet mignons and lobster tails after and it was delish. we used to do alot of camping together and we probably had the only gourmet food on the camping ground. we would bring these pre-marinated pork tenderloins, or shrimp on skewers, or fish steaks, and cook rice or pasta and have appetizers spread out while we were cooking. we'd have some music going and of course that led to dancing. one time at this campground at bass river state park in new jersey the rangers kept passing by our site and they finally came over to us to tell us that while they didn't want to put a damper on our party we were obviously having way too much fun and to make sure that we didn't let it get out of control. that was actually a "dry" campground and the rangers were totally cool. another one of our favorite places to camp is the KAO campground in newburgh, our favorite site there is #31. there's some beautiful hiking around there.
here's some photos of the weekend, bon apetit!
us and them, 8^* love ya!!

the surf...

and the turf.

appetizer anyone?

oh yes, and the drinks! lotsa drinks %^D

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